1Full Name *2Phone/Mobile*3Email*4How many nationally or internationally recognised prizes or awards for excellence in your field of endeavour have you received?*A0 B1 C2+ Choose one option5How many professional associations in your field that require outstanding achievements for membership are you a member of?*A0 B1 C2+ Choose one option6How many articles have you had published about your work in professional or major trade publications or major media?*A0 B1-5 C6-10 D11 Choose one option7How many scholarly articles have you authored in your field, in professional journals, or other major media?*A0 B1-5 C6-10 D11 Choose one option8Have you been employed in a critical or essential capacity for any organisations or establishments that have a distinguished reputation?*A0 B1 C2+ Choose one option9How many times have you participated as a judge of the work of others in your field or an allied field of specialization?*A0 B1-3 C4-6 D7+ Choose one option10Have you commanded a high salary or other significant remuneration for your services?*A0 B1 Choose one option11How many times have you presented your work at any international conferences or symposiums?*A0 B1-3 C4-6 D7+ Choose one option12How many books or book chapters have you authored related to your field of expertise?*A0 B1-3 C4+ Choose one option13How many times have you been invited to speak as an expert witness in any legal proceedings?*A0 B1-3 C4+ Choose one option14How many awards have you received from professional organisations in your field? *A0 B1 C2+ Choose one option15How many doctoral or postdoctoral students have you supervised the work of?*A0 B1-5 C6+ Choose one option16How many patents or copyrights have you received for your work?*A0 B1 C2+ Choose one option17How many letters of recommendation have you received from prominent individuals in your field?*A0 B1-3 C4+ Choose one option